Ask questions.
Get answers.

Gerald and Phil are collecting your questions and will answer as many as they can in a series of videos, tutorials and blog posts.

Just ask

What to ask?

Whatever you ask, we'll do our best to answer. Even if we have to get help from somebody wiser than ourselves!

How to ask a question?

We'll gather questions as issues in a github repository. That way you can see other questions and add you support for those questions getting answered.

Why not take a look at the questions which have already been asked, and open an issue if you'd like to ask a question of your own.

The answers will come in a future video, or perhaps you'll help us decide on a useful tutorial or blog post.


Eager for more? You can subscribe to an RSS feed of the episodes.

psst! The Support Team is over there

We're not replacing the support team with this. If you have a support issue, you're still advised to contact support via